Invite people to join you on this adventure; brainstorm ideas; and divide into groups with delegated responsibilities.
Research and Recruit
- Preparation: Research nearby schools’ service clubs; area sports teams; and ask other volunteer causes to reach people most likely interested in a shoe drive. Make sure to tell people why this is important to you.
President or Leadership Board
- Oversee Key Shoe Drive Activities: Meet regularly with team members, receive updates from each of the delegated groups, and ensure that the highest priority goals are successfully taken care of first.
- Liaison with Give Running: Communicate with Give Running so we can provide you with advice for overcoming challenges you’re facing as well as share your best practices with other shoe drives.
- Handle Project Finances: This may include purchasing shoe collection bins, shoe cleaning supplies, and trash bags.
- Recruit New Members!
Logistics and Inventory Group
- Secure a Space to Store the Shoes: This could be a garage, a big closet, or a self-storage container for housing the shoes between when your team collects them and when you eventually clean, sort, and donate them.
- Pick Up Shoes: Make a routine of going by each collection site once a week to pick up the shoes there and take them to your team’s shoe storage area.
- Keep a Shoe Tally: Along with tallying the total number of shoes you’ve collected, keep track of the number of shoes coming in from each shoe collection site so you know which locations are busier and need to be checked more frequently.
- Keep Collection Site Hosts Happy: Consistently thank the managers of local gyms and running stores who agree to host shoe collection bins — you can never do it too much! — and make sure the shoe bins are clean and not overflowing with shoes.
- Look for New Potential Shoe Collection Sites.
Public Relations and Fundraising Group
- Research and Reach Out: Contact newspapers, radio stations, and other local media outlets about promoting your shoe drive through an interview.
- Apply for Grants: There are many grants out there for grassroots projects like yours to help cover the costs of supplies for holding your shoe drive, as well as for funding Give Running purchasing new shoes for disadvantaged youth and holding youth running programs.
- Contact Local Businesses: Ask for donations, whether financial sponsorship or items to use as raffle prizes.
- Take Plenty of Pictures: And please share them with Give Running!
- Email Supporters and Use Social Media.
- Recruit New Members!
General Member Responsibilities
- Be a Bridge: Serve as delegates overseeing shoe collections with sports teams, service clubs, and other groups where you have specific connections.
- Get Your Hands Dirty: Help sort and clean the shoes when it is time to get them ready to donate. We promise it’s fun!
- Attend Team Meetings and Events.
- Recruit New Members!